Kill Covid19 (3D shooting game)

Game Description

Game Scenes

There are three scenes, and they are start scene, game, and the end scene. When the player first starts the game, he (she) will see the start scene. Figure 1 shows the start scene of the game.

On the top of the start scene, there is a game title “Kill the COVID19.” Below the title, there is a Highest Score text which displays the highest score in the record. The highest score represents the most time remain when a player win. For example, after the player kills all the viruses and win the game, there are still 30 seconds left; then, the score for the player is 30. If 30 is the highest score in the record, the start scene displays “Highest Score: 30.” If there is not highest score yet, it will display “Highest Score: Not yet.” Below the highest score text, it is a red Reset Highest Score button which player can use to reset the highest score. If a player presses this button, Highest Score will be reset, and the start scene will display “Highest Score: Not yet.” In the middle, there is a house, and the color of the ground is green to represent the grass. There is also a green start button in the center of the scene. When a player clicks on this button, it will go to the game scene to start the game. In additions, there is also a background music for the start scene.

Player plays the game in the game scene. The picture below shows the game scene of this game.

On the top left, it is the COVID19 message which indicates how many COVID19 remain in the game. The game will generate 20 COVID19 when the game starts, so it will show “COVID19 left: 20” at the beginning of the game. If a player kills one virus with the gun, the number of the COVID19 left will decrease by one; then it will display “COVID19 left: 19” on the top left. Therefore, the player can know how many COVID19 remain in the game by looking at the COVID19 left message. Below the COVID19 left message, it is the highest score message to display the highest score during the game. On the center, it is the countdown timer slide bar. The game initially will give the player around 100 seconds at the beginning of the game, and then it will countdown. As time pass, the slider bar will become shorter and shorter. Therefore, the timer slide bar indicate how much more time the player has, and shorter bar indicates less time left. When there is less than 20 seconds left, the timer slide bar will become red to warning the player. On the top right, there is a mini map that shows the location of the player and the map around the player from a top view. The mini map does not cover the whole map, but it shows the player and the surrounding objects around the player, including the COVID19, inner white walls and outer blue walls. In the mini map, the black sphere object indicates the player, and the green sphere object indicates the COVID19 virus. When the player moves, the mini map also moves depend on the player. Therefore, the mini map always shows the player. There is also a tiny red line attached to the black sphere object in the mini map to indicate the direction the player facing to. When the player moves to another direction, the red line will be rotate to show the current direction the player facing to. With the mini map, the player can easily find the virus and find the way to get to the virus. The bottom center is the gun, and player can change the direction at which the gun pointing by moving the muse. In front of the gun, it is a red track line that tells the player what the track of the bullet will be if they fire the gun. There is also a fixed front sight in the center to allow the player to aim the germ.

For the end scene, there are two different end scenes depend on the result of the game. If the player loses the game, he (she) will see the end scene like below.

For the end scene for the losing the game, the player will see “Ops, You Lost! Please Try Again” on the top of the scene. This is also a highest score message below the losing message. The main color of the house becomes dark purple, and the color of the ground becomes gray. At the bottom, there is a green “Play Again” button. The player can go back to the game scene to play again by clicking this button. If the player wins the game, he (she) will see a different end scene. The picture below show an example of the end scene for winning the game.

On the top of the winning end scene, this is a winning message, and it displays “Great You Won! You killed all COVID 19 in Xs” where X is the time the player takes to kill all the COVID19. The second line of the wining message displays the score of the Player, which is the time left after the player win the game. Below the wining message, there is a highest score message that shows the highest score in the record. The reset of the winning scene is same as the start scene, expect that there is a green “Play Again” button at the bottom of the scene, which allow player to go back to the game to play. The player will hear the same background music no matter whether he (she) win or lose the game

Game Objects

The primary game objects for this game are the player, the gun, the bullet, and the COVID19. Like the other FPS game, the player game object will not be displayed in the game scene, but the player will control the player game object. The gun will always be shown during the game, and the bullet will be spawned when the gun is fired. The bullet will move in the direction the gun points to and continue to move forward with 30m/s. The range of the bullet is just 20m, so the bullet will be destroyed after 20m. You also can configurate the speed and the range of the bullet in the Speed and the Range field for the bullet prefab. The bullet also will be destroyed if it hits an object such as wall and COVID19. The COVID19 virus is green, and it will move randomly, and it will be destroyed if it is hit by a bullet.

Wining condition

To win the game, the player needs to find and kill all the COVID19 within the given time limit (default is 100s). Then, the score will be the time left after the player win the game. The player will get a score only if he (she) wins the game. If the player does not kill all the virus until the time is up, he (she) will lose the game and not get a score.

Game Instruction

I would suggest you run the game with the “maximize on play” mode since the UI texts or buttons may overlap each other due to the size of the position of the UI if you run it on a small screen. After you run the game, you will see the start scene. To play the game, you need to click on the green start button. Then, you will enter to the game scene, and you will be place in the center of a house. At beginning, the system will spawn 20 COVID19 viruses randomly all around the house, and the virus will move with random speed from 0.5 to 3 for each second in a random direction (the direction in which the virus move will change after 50 frames). The system will give you 100 seconds in default. You can change the number of the virus spawn by changing the Numof Covid setting for the Covid19manager singleton object. You also can change the time limit by changing the Time Limit setting for the TimerBar object under the Aiming canvas.

There are a lot inner white walls in the house, and you cannot go through or see through the wall. Therefore, you need to move around to find the get to the virus. You can move the player to move left, right, forward, backward with the key “a” or left arrow, “d” or right arrow, “w” or up arrow, and “s” or down arrow, respectively. The camera of the mini map at the top right also will follow you as you move, and the mini map will show a black ball to represent you and the green balls to represent the virus. You can use the mini map to find the get to the virus. When the game start, your mouse cursor will be hidden and locked. You can press key “Esc” to unhide and unlock the mouse cursor. Then, you can press “Enter” key to lock you mouse cursor again, and sometimes you need to press the primary key on the mouse to hide the cursor again after pressing the “Enter”.

Like all the FPS games, you can move your mouse to rotate the direction you are pointing to. The direction which the gun is pointing to is always same as the direction to which the player faces, so if you can change the direction the gun pointing to by change the direction of the view. You can rotate the view to the left by moving the mouse to the left; you can rotate the view to right by moving the mouse to the right; you can rotate the view to upward by moving the mouse up; You can rotate the view to downward by moving the mouse up.

You can use the front sight to aim the virus, and you can press the primary button of the mouse to fire the gun. When you shoot, you will hear a fire sound from the gun, and you will see the bullet coming out from the gun. If a bullet hit a COVID19 virus, the virus will be destroyed. You will hear some sound from the virus after it get destroyed.

You can know how many more viruses you need to kill by looking at the top left COVID19 left message. You can know how much more time you have by looking at the middle TimeBar. When the time bar become zero, you will lose the game. If you kill all the viruses before the time bar become zero, you win the game. You will see two different end scenes depended on if you win the game. Section one descripts these two different end scenes.

What I contributed to this project

This project is a solo project, and I am the only one developer for this game. Therefore, I made all three scenes, all the prefab, and all the C# scripts. I made 8 prefabs, but I am just using the gun, bullet, tracker, and Corina Virus prefabs. I also made 16 C# scripts, but I am just using 15 of them because the Aim C# script is for the Aim object which is the older version of the front sight. I also made a Material folder for all the materials, the prefab folder for all the prefabs, the Scenes folder for all the scenes, and the sound folder for the sound.


Overall, I think this project is successful. Although this is just a simple game, I make the game playable. FPS game is not easy to make, and this is the first time for me to make the FPS game. This game is also a solo project, and I only had a month to build it. Therefore, I think I did a good job on this game. I also learned a lot of things and practiced the methods I learned from the class by building this game. I really enjoy in building the game